Printer Friendly Version The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Attended the Presidential Inauguration @ 10 December 2023 11:40 PM

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Dr. Vladimir Orlić, in his capacity as special envoy of the President of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Aleksandar Vučić, paid an official visit to Buenos Aires, on December 10, 2023, to attend the ceremonies of the presidential inauguration of Mr. Javier Milei.

In addition to congratulating President Javier Milei, Dr. Orlić expressed his conviction that the two countries will continue to strengthen their traditional friendship, together with even broader cooperation in all areas of mutual interest and a strong commitment to the respect for the principles of public international law. He also took the opportunity to especially thank the Argentine Republic for its respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, as well as for the support it provides to Serbia's positions in the international organizations. The President of the National Assembly conveyed to President D. Javier Milei his sincere wishes for well-being and prosperity for the Argentine Republic.

On the sidelines of the ceremonies in Buenos Aires, the President of the National Assembly had a series of meetings with international guests, with whom he held conversations about bilateral relations, as well as the possibilities to strengthen interparliamentary cooperation.